Bedford A , TJ , TK , TL , S ..

T-J in Barbe's Scrapyard . St.Jean Le Centenier .
Bedford T-J .
Seen 11.2.08 St. Jean Le Centenier (07) Ardeche . France . Probably been scrapped by now as the yard was being cleared !

TK1000 in Mortagua Bombeiros . Portugal .' 99
IN.87.45 Bedford TK1000 .
Seen 22.3.99 Mortagua . Portugal .

Personel Carrier in Soure Bombeiros . Portugal '
DC.97.45 c(1950) Bedford .
Seen 14.4.99 Soure . Portugal .

T-J in JAE Depot . Portalegre . Portugal ' 99
ED.77.72 Bedford T-J . Tar Spreader ? . J.A.E .
Seen 22.4.99 Portalegre J.A.E. Depot . Portugal .

TK Beaver Tail Recovery Unit in Montech Yard 1998
223W82 Bedford TK . Beaver Tail Recovery . Ex Negrepelisse Auto Garage .
Seen 28.10.98 Montech (82) T & Garonne . France .

TL 1500 Turbo In St. Jory Yard 1999
6656JX94 Bedford TL 1500 Turbo .
Seen 20.1.99 St. Jory Yard . N20 Toulouse (31) H. Garonne . France .

J-Type Ambulance in N20 Yard Toulouse 1999
Bedford T-J . Ex-Military ? Ambulance .
Seen 20.1.99 St. Jory . N20 . Toulouse (31) H. Garonne . France . Ex-Traveller's home ?

OWS in Pierre's Yard . Izzoire 2000
822R63 c(1945) Bedford OWS Engine & Cabin .
Seen 19.7.00 Issoire (63) Puy de Dome . France . Chassis No.27461 , engine No.25699 .

860 Beavertail . Joubert Garage . Soilignac . 2007
Bedford TK860 EJM860 . Beaver Tail Recovery .
Seen 20.7.07 Garage Joubert . Solignac s Loire (43) H. Loire . France .

Bedford T-J Flatbed . 2008
Bedford T-J .
Seen 11.2.08 St.Jean Centenier (07) Ardeche . France .

T-J in Mortagua Bombeiros . Portugal ' 99
LD.84.10 Bedford T-J . Water Tanker .
Seen 22.3.99 Mortagua . Portugal .

KCC Coal Delivery Lorry . St. Florent s Auzonnet .
842JK30 Bedford KCC . Ex-Jeannot Tourre . Coal Delivery Co.
Seen 21.3.08 St.Florent s Auzonnet (30) Gard . France . Fitted with a Bedford 4cyl 220 diesel engine . Bought by Philippe Mathurin & driven by him back to Normandy !

TK at Ferte Allais Expo. 2010
188CHX44 Bedford TK . Attelage de Montjean .
Seen 5.6.10 Ferte Allais (91) Essone . France .

EJM2 At Avignon Expo. 2011
1172QJ26 (1969) Bedford EJM2
Seen 25.3.11 Avignon (84) Vaucluse . France . Currently for sale ..

TK Recovery . Nogerit-s-Vernisson . 2011
3668W93 Bedford TK . Recovery Conversion
Seen 29.5.11 Nogerit-s-Vernisson (45) Loiret . France

Bedford TK EJM at Ferte Alais . 2011
Bedford TK . EJM3
Seen 28.3.11 Ferte Alais (91) Essonne . France .

TK Recovery Unit In La Fouillade Garage 2015
519LB12 Bedford TK .
Seen 2015 (12) Aveyron . France

CF35D Ex-Builder's Lorry . Castrse Garage 2017
DF353YF Bedford CF35D .
Seen 2017 (81) Tarn . France

CF Camper-van . Avignon $ Show 2017
DL884PG Bedford CF Camper-van .
Seen 2017 Avignon (84) Vaucluse . France

Ex-Bombeiros' J -Type in Gois ' 95
DO.28.64 Bedford J-Type .
Seen 13.4.95 Gois . Portugal .

T-J Timber Truck in Portugal ' 95
BP.20.34 Bedford T-J .
Seen 3.1.95 Espinal . Portugal .

T-J Timber Carrier . Melhada . Portugal ' 95
EO.76.02 Bedford T-J .
Seen 6.4.95 Melhada . Portugal . Loaded with seasoned eucalyptus logs .

Builders' TJ in Viseu . Portugal ' 99
ER.21.35 Bedford T-J .
Seen 1.3.99 Viseu . Portugal .

T-J Tramwire Vehicle . Coimbra . Portugal ' 99
ZA.72.31 Bedford T-J . Coimbra Trollybus Service .
Seen 24.3.99 Coimbra . Portugal . caught whilst stopped at town centre traffic lights .

TM Recovery in V.N. Poiares Yard . Portugal ' 99
HR.41.60 Bedford TM .
Seen 28.3.99 Villa Nova de Poiares . Portugal . Looking ready to recover another rig for this garage on the N17 .

A Series in Lombada Yard . Portugal ' 99
DD.99.24 Bedford A Series .
Seen 9.4.99 Lombada . Portugal . Ex-localy used truck , now rusting quietly in small scrapyard .. fitted with German military tyres .

A Series in Monsato Yard . Portugal ' 99
EX.20.44 Bedford A Series .
Seen 9.4.99 Monsato . Portugal . In a yard on the N17 , run by unfriendly natives ..

T-J in Miranda do Corvo Bomberios ' 94
HE.35.32 Bedford T-J .
Seen 9.11.94 Miranda do Corvo . Bomberios Station . Portugal . Typically flamboyant Portugese body style !

Tk Overhead Tramwire Service Unit . Porto ' 98
HM.33.76 Bedfrod TK . Porto's Public Transport Tramwire Service Vehicle .
Seen 4.4.98 Porto . Portugal . Out for a run around town before a fleet of vintage single & double deckers celebrated the town's 50th PSV anniversary .

T-J in Paredes Bomberios . Portugal ' 98
ID.61.31 Bedford T-J .
Seen 8.4.98 Paredes . Portugal . Water Tanker unit .

TK Tender in Paredes Bomberios . Portugal ' 98
MO.02.71 Bedford TK .
Seen 8.4.98 Paredes . Portugal .

A series Personel Carrier . Mirandela Bombeiros'98
Bedford A .
Seen 10.4.98 Mirandela (Tras os Montes) Portugal . Looks to have been 'retired' to the back yard of this Bombeiros Station !

TK860 Pump Escape Unit in S.Pedro Bombeiros ' 99
AZ.98.76 Bedford TK860 .
Seen 2.3.99 S. Pedro do Sul . Portugal .

TK860 in Olivera Bombeiros . Portugal ' 99
GT.22.17 Bedford TK860 .
Seen 5.3.99 Olivera de Azemis . Portugal .

TK in Campo de Beisteros Bombeiros . Portugal ' 99
BU.68.68 Bedford TK .
Seen 17.3.99 Campo de Beisteros . Portugal .

TK Tanker in Campo de Beisteros Bombeiros ' 99
FI.62.67 Bedford TK.
Seen 17.3.99 Campo de Beisteros . Portugal .

TK in Mortagua Bombeiros . Portugal ' 99
Bedford TK .
Seen 22.3.99 Mortagua . Portugal .