AEC Bus & Truck European Exports

Gois Bombeiros . Mandator Water Tanker 1995
GL.30.21 AEC Mandator . UTIC Cabin .
Seen 13.4.95 Gois . Portugal . Normally used for fire fighting , but seen here on street cleaning duties .

Regent III Food Decker . Avignon $ Show 2017
ED065PK LUC54 (1950) AEC Regent III . Park Royal H30/26R . London Transport RT1965 .
Seen 2017 Avignon (84) Vaucluse . France

AEC Regent III . RT1400 at London Bus Co . 2001
4778TB63 KXW499 (1950) AEC Regent III . Saunders H/R . Ex- London Transport RT1400 .
Seen 2001 St. Amanade Tallende (63) Puy de Dome . France . Part of a fleet of LT deckers used by Philippe Grit as publicity units . See London Bus Co. for the rest .

Isabelle's Regent III . Motte du Caire . 2007
OFC384 (1949) AEC Regent III . Weyman H/F. Ex-COM . City of Oxford Motor Services .
Seen 18.10.07 Le Motte Du Caire (04) Alpes H.Provence . France . Now concreted in at Isabelle's Haras .

Isabelle's Regent III . Motte du Caire . 2007
OFC384 (1949) AEC Regent III . Weyman H/R . Ex-COM City of Oxford Motor Sevices .
Seen 18.10.07 Le Motte Du Caire (04) Alpes H.Provence . After becoming a playbus after its PSV days were ended it was exported to France in 1979 . Isabelle has now parked it on her Haras & given it a concrete foundation .

RML2385 . City Bus Publicity . Bagnols s Ceze
JJD385D 7764ZT30 (1966) AEC Routemaster . Park Royal H40/32R. Ex-London Transport RML2385 .
Seen 7.9.07 Bagnols-s-Ceze (30) Gard . France . Part of City Bus Publicity's fleet . Last seen in a HGV garage on D943 St. Christophe (13) near Cadenet (84)

RML2580 . City Bus Publicity Yard . Bagnols s Ceze
JJD580D / 3412YZ30 (1966) AEC Routemaster . Park Royal H40/32R. Ex-London Transport RML2580 .
Seen 7.9.07 Bagnols s Ceze (30) Gard . France . Used as a publicity & hospitality unit .

' Les Ailes Bleues' Regent V At La Rochelle 1998
GJG758D (1965) Regent V . Park Royal H40/32F. Ex-East Kent
Seen 18.7.98 La Rochelle (17) Charente Maritime . Promotional unit 'Les Ailes Bleues' that was handing out T-shirts lighters etc .

RT3892 . Regent III . Valesvilles . France ' 98
3377SM31 AEC Regent III . Park Royal . Ex-London Transport RT3892 .
Seen 10.7.98 Vallesvilles (31) H. Garonne . France . Sat in a wooded glade next to the D112 . In 2009 renamed ' Le Bus de L'Aise .

Ex-London Q1 Trollybus in Guifero . Spain ' 98
c(1933)AEC Q1 Trollybus . Ex-London . Sold 1960 to Spain . Ex-Coruna - Caraballo ?
Seen 3.3.98 Guifero . Galicia . Spain . Looks to have been used as accomodation during house building ?

RM1694 in San Romain . Spain ' 96
694DYE / S.7077.RO (1963) AEC Routemaster . Park Royal H36/28R Ex-London Transport RM1694 .
Seen 18.2.96 San Romain . Cantabria . Spain . In use as a publicity unit .

Utic Bodied Reliance in V.Nova Poiares Yard ' 99
HF.66.41 AEC Reliance . UTIC . Ex- ?
Seen 9.4.99 Villa Nova de Poiares . Portugal .

Regent V . Coimbra . Portugal 1999
CL.58.12 (1964) AEC Regent V D2LA . UTIC H40/33F . S.M.T.U.C. Coimbra Municipality 12
Seen 25.3.99 Coimbra Bus Depot . Portugal . I managed to get a tour of the depot to see this and other unused vehicles in storage .

Porto Celebrates 50yrs STCP . 1998
GF.55.67 (1960) AEC Regent V D2LA . UTIC H36/31F . S.T.C.P. Porto 69 .
Seen 4.4.98 Porto . Portugal . Static town centre display prior to town tour to celebrate Porto's bus companies 5oth anniversary .

Dutch Reliance in Douarnenez . France ' 98
BS.65.GP / AN.93.94 (1970) AEC Reliance 2U.3LA . BOVA C46F . Ex- WABO . Wijk bij Duurstede . No.34
Seen 31.7.98 Douarnenez (45) Loiret . France . Used by a touring Dutch Umpah Band . had been exported to holland as rolling chassis .. then exported to Belgium after 1st Dutch operator in ' 86 . Now with Cine Coach . Twello .

Mandator Tanker in Miranda do Corvo ' 94
FE.89.90 AEC Mandator . 6x4 Tanker .
Seen 9.11.94 Miranda do Corvo . Bomberios Station . Portugal . Looking as if its earn't a rest from active service ? or waiting to be repaired for use by the Bomberios ?

Ex-Lisbon Regent V In Portugese Karting 1999
GE.92.81 (1966) UTIC-AEC Regent V . UTIC H40/33F . Lisbon 691 .
Seen 28.3.99 Villa Nova de Poiares . Portugal . Used as administration & maybe commentary post ? for a go-kart circuit .

Regent V Cottage in Torreira . Portugal ' 99
AEC Regent V .
Seen 12.3.99 Torreira . Portugal . This bus looks to have been used as a seaside home ? . Ex-Porto ?

Mandator in Mealhada , Portugal ' 95
MR.61.11 AEC Mandator .
Seen 6.4.95 Mealhada . Portugal .

Ex-Coimbra Regent V . Coimbra 1995
CL.58.11 (1964) AEC Regent V D2LA . UTIC H40/33F . S.M.T.U.C. Coimbra Municipality 11 .
Seen 6.4.95 Coimbra . Portugal . Now used as a static advertising unit .

RBL's AEC-Utic in Miranda do Corva ' 95
SR.28.32 AEC Utic . RBL2168 .
Seen 6.1.95 Miranda do Corva . Portugal .

Regent V in Coimbra . Portugal 1995
CL.58.12 (1964) AEC Regent V D2LA . UTIC H40/33F . S.M.T.U.C. Coimbra Municipality 12 .
Seen 2.95 Coimbra . Portugal . Used for static advertising in the town centre & stored in the town's Tram or Bus depot .

Scrapped Regent V near Porto
HH.32.25 AEC Regent V. Utic Body . STCP No.203 . Ex-Porto .
Seen 8.4.98 . N15 east of Porto . In a small wooded clearing , already cannabalised for its AEC AV470 engine and front wheels .

Porto Celebrates 50yrs STCP . 1998
GF.55.67 (1960) AEC Regent V D2LA . UTIC H36/31F . S.T.C.P. Porto 69 .
Seen 4.4.98 Porto . Portugal . Taking part in a rain soaked free city tour which ended in a popular free buffet in the city's vehicle museum .

Joao Carlos Soares Yard . Guimares 1998
GF.55.67 (1960) AEC Regent V D2LA . UTIC H36/31F . S.T.C.P. Porto 69 .
Seen 31.3.98 Guimaraes (Minho) . Portugal . Ginnie 'at the wheel'

Joao Carlos Soares Yard . Guimares 1998
DC.72.86 (1965) AEC Regent V LD2LA7 . UTIC H40/33F . Joao Carlos Soares . Guimares 7 .
Seen 31.3.98 Guimaraes (Minho) Portugal . A photo of this bus in service can be seen in Omnibus Gallery , Mike Fenton (1981)ISBN 0-85 059-503-7 . It was apparently the only UTIC bus in this fleet , all the rest being Ex-Porto vehicles .

Joao Carlos Soares Yard . Guimares 1998
GF.55.64 (1960) AEC Regent V D2LA . UTIC H36/31F . S.T.C.P. Porto 67 .
Seen 31.3.98 Guimaraes (Minho) Portugal . Last used in service by Joao Carlos Soares in Guimarares .