Traveller's & Converted Vehicles As Mobile Homes

Leny's S53RX in Avignon . 2008
1878YR84 Saviem S53RX . Periurbain PM.AS 022 .
Seen 4.3.08 Avignon (84) Vaucluse . France .

Saviem SG2 . Converted Horsebox . Morieres . 2009
9077VG51 Saviem SG2 . Ex-Horsebox .
Seen 3.4.09 Morieres (84) Vaucluse . France .

Swiss Mercedes Camper . Montelimar . 2009
BE.89370 Mercedes .
Seen 14.1.09 Montelimar (26) Drome . France .

Mercedes 408D in Donzere . 2008
256BEC34 Mercedes 408D .
Seen 1.12.08 Donzere (26) Drome . France .

Benj. & Carrine's Mercedes 913 . Montelimar . 2008
3358YQ27 Mercedes 913 . Ex-Medicine De Travail .
Seen 27.11.08 ZI. Meyrol . Montelimar (26) Drome .

Retired German Couple's 613D in Montelimar . 2008
Mercedes 613D .
Seen 25.11.08 ZI. Meyrol . Montelimar (26) Gunter & Anlika were parked in front of Mercedes Co. waiting for a replacement diesel tank to arrive to continue south to Morocco !

Ex-Pompier's SM8 in Montelimar . 2008
3020RH74 Saviem SM8 . Ex-Pompier's 4x4 .
Seen 12.5.08 Montelimar (26) Drome . France . What uk Travellers refer to as a 'penile extension' ie 4x4 , what 4 .. useless crew-cab , poxy inaccessible box .. deserves a medal !

Bizz'art's Saviem S53 . Alex . 2008
321VU38 Saviem S53 .
Seen 5.7.08 Alex (26) Drome . France . Used by members of the Bizz'art Nomadic Performing Troupe .

Mercedes 508D in Montelimar . 2008
8414QV11 Mercedes 508D .
Seen 3.5.08 Montelimar (26) Drome .

Fanny's Mercedes . Isle s Sorgue . 2008
6744YV84 Mercedes Camper .
Seen 5.4.08 Isle s Sorgue (84) Vaucluse . France . Fanny lived in this with her Czech partner .

Kidola & Rud's Renault S140 .Bagnols s Ceze . 2009
1207YZ76 Renault S140 . Ex-Medicine Du Travail .
Seen 29.4.09 Banols s Ceze (30) Gard . France .

Renault Vollgeur
5972LJ31 Renault Vollgeur.Possibly ex-ambulance ?? Seen 12.9.98 Capestral d'Aureville rally(31).

German Acrobats' Mercedes In Douarnanez 1998
HH.LJ.925.(1971) Mercedes . Ex-Removals Co.
Seen 8.98 Douarnenez (45) France . This vehicle was being used by a group of German acrobatic punks , who later that night amused bemused tourists with their show on the quayside in Douarnanez .

Dutch HY camper
08.UB.71 Citroen HY. Used by a dutch family as a camping car. Seen 24.7.98 Carnac(56)

Saviem S53M At Ramonville 1997
2938WN31 (1965)+ Saviem S53M .
Seen 11.97 Ramonville (31) Tarn & Garonne . France . The owner was in the process of converting it .

American Style !
5395AE54 Airgosy 28. Chevrolet 454(?)
Seen 16.8.97 in Rocamador(46) a straight's imported american airstreamed campervan.

Berliet PLA5
445DE2A c(1960)Berliet PLA5. Berliet M410A.4cyl.100hp. Dubos body.
Seen 29.6.97 in Bouriege(11) registerd in Corse , but looked to have been parked here for a while ?? . photo printed in Charge Utile 137.

Jules Verne meets Saviem SM53 !!
Believe it or not there is a Saviem SM53 somewhere under that lot !! 18.2.97 This was a Toulouse(31) pensioner's answer to his 'camping car' needs !! Though as he was already into his 70's there wasn't much time to enjoy life inside this creation after

Patrice's Mercedes coach
368OX46 Mercedes O.321 HL(?) Seen 12.2.97 near Carlucet(46) next to Patrice's house as he's stopped using it as family accomodation..shame !

Dodgy Eve's ex-Swiss post-bus.
VD54679 (1954)Saurer-OM "Leoncine" Swiss postal service bus .Seen 12.3.97 at 'Metal Toulouse'(31) squat.
Eve had just spent some time repainting this nicely shaped and proportioned bus .

Mercedes 809 . Salignac . 2009
1516VN03 Mercedes 809 . Ex-Ecurie De L'Allegry .
Seen 3.10.09 Salignac (04) Alpes H. Provence . France .

Belgium Tourists Unimog . Saulce 2014
1 AGL 988 Unimog
Seen 2014 Saulce (26) Drome . France .

Swiss Removals Truck Camper . Ferte Allais Expo.
BG.5342 (1968) Bussing Trafekt . Ex-Wagner Removals Co.
Seen 5.6.10 Ferte Allais (91) Essonne . France . Fitted with a Bussing U7D 155hp diesel engine . Converted in 2000 .

Saviem SG . Loriel . 2010
4843YC72 Saviem SG .
Seen 3.7.10 Loriel (26) Drome . france .

Mercedes 407D . Montelimar . 2010
AE593ZH Mercedes 407D .
Seen 30.4.10 Montelimar (26) Drome . France .

Peugeot J9 . Bedarrides . 2010
954ADM76 Peugeot J9 .
Seen 23.4.10 Bedarrides (84) Vaucluse . France . Strange bedroom pod ..

Volvo F613 . Bedarrides . 2010
5476SK58 Volvo F613 . Turbo 6 . Ex-Furniture Lorry .
Seen 23.4.10 Bedarrides (84) Vaucluse . France .

Saviem SG 7 Caravan . Bedarrides . 2010
952AXP13 Saviem SG .
Seen 23.4.10 Bedarrides (84) Vaucluse . France . WTF !

Ex-Horse Box . Living Truck . Gap . 2009
916AJP42 Mercedes .

Renault S110 Midliner . Faucon de Caire . 2009
7408YB26 Renault S110 Midliner . Ex-Medicine de Travail .
Seen 5.10.09 Faucon de Caire (04) Alpes H. Provence . France .

La Cremerie.Toulouse
7659SO31 Saviem Bus.Seen 11.12.96 at 'La Cremerie'squat , south of Toulouse(31) The owner of this bus gave up trying to get it legal and it was still there , abandoned, when the mayor had the squat cleared in 97.And by cleared that meant every last brick

Mercedes 508D . Le Pouzin . 2009
774DBX38 Mercedes 508D .
Seen 5.7.09 Le Pouzin (26) Drome . France .

Claire's Peugeot J7 Living Van . Le Pouzin . 2009
5859VK88 Peugeot J7 .
Seen 5.7.09 Le Pouzin (26) Drome . France .

Mercedes 508D . Le Pouzin . 2009
6160WZ22 Mercedes 508D .
Seen 5.7.09 Le Pouzin (26) Drome . France .

Renault Living Rig . Le Pouzin . 2009
1885VO88 Renault .
Seen 5.7.09 Le Pouzin (26) Drome . France .

Arthur's Mercedes . Le Pouzin . 2009
2102QY11 Mercedes .
Seen 5.7.09 Le Pouzin (26) Drome . France .

Ford 35-10 Turbo Daily . Mirmande . 2009
6759VM88 Ford 35-10 . Turbo Daily .
Seen 26.6.09 Mirmande (26) Drome . France .

Circus Couple's Mag D . Malaucene Expo. 2009
OAW306 (1967) Magirus Detz 150 D10 . Ex-Belgium Pompier's .
Seen 8.5.09 Malaucene (84) Vaucluse . France . Had been owned & converted by Ollie & Katerine .

Peugeot J7 . Guilherand Grange . 2008
4511VB87 Peugeot J7 . Ex-Mobile Shop .
Seen 12.12.08 Guilherand Grange (07) Ardeche . France .

Saviem Dragster Team accomodation
2489SF81 Saviem.Seen 28.4.06 ZA.Plateau de la Pile.(13)
Now sitting waiting its next seson of dragster racing to serve its champion owner and his support team as a mobile garage/accomodation unit.

Setra Living Vehicle At St. Y Bar Festival 1995
PI-NA 88 Setra
Seen 5.95 St. Y Bar (09) Ariege . France . Not sure of the nationality of this vehicle ??

Ex Dutch Fire Service Magirus.
NF.98.21 Magirus Deutz (1945-50).Seen 27.5.95 at the St.Y.Bar(09) festival.
This ex dutch fire service vehicle was transformed by Jerry an english member of the 'Mutoid Waste Co.'

BMC 550FGK Bus At Notre Dame Des Anges 1994
G48585 BMC 550FGK . Marshall B29F . Ex-Gibralter Goverment
Seen 8.94 Notre Dame Des Anges (26) Drome . France . This bus turned up at a riverside park up I was using with other travellers one summer, and was owned by an English-French couple .

Setra S6.Bus
S243.257 Setra S6.Seen 21.6.94 at the Cumeile commune near St.Hilaire(11)
At the time this vehcile was photographed it belonged to Jasmine , and was parked along with various other nationalities of living vehicles on the long established hippy squat of Cumeile,which was later evicted to allow exploitation of the surrounding forest.Also here many vehicles came to their final resting spot,the long rutted track being responsible for some of this.. also many english were able to offload their wrecks on unsuspecting french travellers !

Dutch Crew Cabbed Commer VC At Lu Lu's
FB.52.05 Commer VC
Seen 6.94 Pressignac-Vicq (33) France . Nice sized box for a crew-cabbed vehicle, though the 'luton' wouldn't leave much headroom

VW Camper
6959MS04 VW Campervan .Seen 14.11.06 Sisteron(04)
A would be french traveller whose vehicle spends most of its time sitting in Sisterons carpark....Its owner was originally asking 7,000 euros for this heap , but went down to 6.000 the last time I glanced at the limp for sale notice inside the windscreen ,but doubt very much he found any takers even at that price ??.

Saviem Campervan At Chorgues 2006
632BSF44 Saviem campervan SG.Seen 29.10.06 Chorgues(05)
Seen 10.06 Chorgues (05) H.Alpes . France .

7009YJ56 Mercedes 508D(?)Seen 28.10.06 SNCF car park Gap(05)Proudly displaying its Brittany origins ...

Mercedes 508D . SNCF Gare . Gap 2006
1082XW Mercedes 508D
Seen 10.06 SNCF . Gap (05) H.Alpes . France .

Mercedes Living Vehicle
HU8602C Mercedes 805D(?) seen on 13/6/95 at Montauban (82)
This Spanish traveller joined myself and another UK traveller in an outlying car park where we were waiting to blag our way into a reggae concert to be held in a nearby football stadium. This was successful, but a surreal event as a company of CRS decided to make it a crowd control exercise and 100+ drug squad were in 'civis' inside the stadium, which proved to be more entertaining than the concert and its appalling acoustics.

Renault B80
652AJE69 Renault B80 ex Dutch Delivery vehicle.Seen 11.3.06 Auchan .Montfavet,Avignon(84)
Now clearly in the hands of a french travelling couple, well saw 2 persons and 3 dogs in the cab...with a better paint job this would get a better reception from the public ??

DAF 2100 Showman's Living Vehicle
DAF 2100.Seen 7.3.06 Montelimar(26)
This vehicle has seen its cargo section converted to provide living accomodation for the showman and his family

Renault Bus
5544PY07 Renault with Heuliez body, seen 29.8.06 at Mirmande (26).
Tox's home, which has a rather strange interior layout, as it was done by a retired couple, who then didn't use it often.

6411TP73 Iveco ECO 5.2002/85E15. Seen 27.4.06 Cavaillon(84)
Met this family of three in the car park of Le Clerc in Cavaillon... A self built jobby,didnt get to see inside but a bit wierd from the outside, seems to be 'multi-stepped'??.

Mercedes 911
B.HN5823.Mercedes 911.Ex German army 4x4.Seen 15.4.06 Avignon(84)
These military vehicles seem to be popular popular with the Germans who think they are necesary to visit Marrocco in...2oookm for 150km in 4x4...and difficult to stand up in...

Mercedes coach
438SJ26 C (1964) Mercedes 0.321HL
This bus had by the looks of it been sitting quietly in a field in the Drome (26) region for some years until a Dutchman decided he wanted to convert it for living accommodation.... which will be along job as the self supporting chassis made up of 2" square steel tubing is completely rotten from one end to the other. So for the moment the owner seems to have started with giving a new paintjob... This bus was sitting inside the same garage near to Montelimar(26) where my 1966 Albion "Chieftan" was recently installed for a clutch change, but i cant see this resident leaving for quite some time (years ??)

Benjamin & Carrine's Mobile home
301ATM83 Mercedes ex-mobile health vehicle.
This ex 'Medicine du Travail' Mercedes is now owned by Benjamine & Carrine, but has yet to be fuly fitted out as a living vehicle. Seen here as Benjamin and Carrine's brother (driving) as they set out on an unsucessful attempt at getting it through a French ministry/La MINE test. This service was helpfully (sic) privatised recently by the French goverment, so already prices have shot up, waiting lists extended and a (paying) re-test virtually guaranteed... This visit was even less successful as the tester was definitely anti-traveller (sounds so familiar from me days in the uk!) and failed it on a dirty chassis plate etc... Good luck elsewhere!

French travellers Mercedes
6339SH26 Mercedes with large caravan placed on the chassis
Found sitting quietly in the parking for a college in Montelimar (26). Maybe yet another example of a French living vehicle which, like so many, only gets used when it's warm, as so few seem to be capable or willing to fit woodburners, or face up to the reality of travelling full time!

Magirus Deutz
Seen 12.12.05 at Les Bordes next to Arvigna(09), where it looks as if it's been put out 'to pasture' ?? A shamme as its a tidy looking vehicle for travelling !

CRS Saviem SM6 D
YTT62S. Saviem SM6.D.90 ex CRS coach.fitted with a Saviem 797.130hp diesel.Carrier reinforced body/window grills etc ..
Seen 24.8.96 at Aurillac(15) street theatre festival.Ex CRS wearing uk reg. ! not sure if its a legit. or scammed scenario ??. But would imagine the french riot cops took a second look when this 9 tonnner came thundering into view ?

TU-BT 51. Mercedes.Seen 24.8.96 Aurillac(15) Street Theatre festival.
Bad choice of parking spot for the inhabitants of this vehicle,as their neighbour for the week was Helga , not at that time known for being the most laid back/quietest of people ..

Magirus Deutz
BS.5194 Magirus Deutz.(Saturn model ?)Seen 24.8.96 in Aurillac(15) Street theatre festival.
This belonged to a swiss troupe, Cirque Enplex.Didnt catch their act, but did see a similar magirus to this one on the coast of northen Portugal ..with a bright orange blob of rust instead of a clearly defined chassis..

Travelling Saviem SG2
4727OS45 Saviem SG2.Seen 4.8.96 in Corbigny(58) Festival.
One of the few vehciles allowed into the 'camping'part of this festival...french logic had it that the parking was for all vehicles (including living ones) camping was for tents only ...So when I arrived with 3 other uk vehicles we were obliged to squat the entrance as it was the only shade left ..!

Renault Estafette
5266VG38 Renault Estafette.Seen 19.7.96 at Chalon s Soane street theatre featival.used by the Moderne Voyage Troupe.

Hotchkiss cinema ??
6521DB59 c(1956)Hotchkiss PL50.4cyl petrol engine.Seen 19.7.96 at Chalon s Soane street theater festival , being used to project a film ?

Swiss ?? Bedford TK
AG.266.802 Bedford TK with an overhead gantry (tram lines ??)
Seen 19.7.96 at Chalon s Soane(71) street theatre festival, where it was being used by a Swiss ? spectacle group.

Saviem Living Vehicle
885LV01 Saviem , possibly with Currus body.? Seen 14.6.96 at Augy(89) festival
Sound french couple , who faced the sort of discrimation we did in the uk from some festival organisers (not Augy it was a free squat event) and next time i met them they'd driven at the security to force their way into a festival campsite ..we (4 uk vehicles) were obliged to park outside the entrance ..

HY Tagged In Tarbes !
Citroen HY
Seen Tarbes (65) France

Brightly tagged vehicle
5438SW59 Unic. Well decorated/tagged van seen at Buis Le Barrones(26).
Seen in the riverisde car park on a thursday market day in this quaint but very facist town, which has a reputation for beating up seasonal workers and living vehicle types!

Saviem SG4EL . 'Paradiso' At Foire Extraordinaire
8443SC31 Saviem . SG4EL . Grau B24F . Ex-French MoD ?
Seen 10.95 Arvigna (09) Ariege . France . Originally fitted with a 24 seat Grau body , was used by the owner of a children's roundabout 'Paradiso' & painted in the same marine/yellow colour scheme . Possibly originally supplied to the French Armed Forces ?

Mercedes 407D & Roulotte
DH.ZB.268 Mercedes 407D. Seen 20.10.95 at Circus Hazzard's 'Foire Extraordinaire' festival , Arvigna(09)
Ingenious adaptation of what looks to have once been a workman/roadmender's living van/roulotte ?? onto the chassis of this 407D.Not sure what sort of load that would've imposed on the springs & engine as it looks a pretty sturdy wooden construction ??

Saviem SM280
9692TB32 Saviem SM280 seen on 28/10/95 at Circus Hazzard's 'Foire Extraordinaire' festival, Arvigna(09)
I doubt if this is the original box for this chassis to judge from its excessive height and arrangement necessary to allow the cab to tip up. I think this was being used by Mikey of Cirque Hazzard at the time of the 'foire'.

Saviem S53M
8856FM13 Saviem S53M. Man 0846.HM.6cyl.170hp.
Seen 26.8.95 providing artist accomodation during the Aurillac(15) street theatre festival.

Mercedes LAK 710
B-J 1535 Mercedes LAK710.Seen arriving 24.8.95 at the Aurillac(15)Street Theatre festival.
Transport and accomodation for a foreign group of performance artists.

Saviem S53M Racing Team Transport
7222WE42 Saviem S53M seen om 3/8/95 at Savigneux (42).
This bus chassis has had a specialised car transporter and living accommodation body fitted on it for the Team Matra-Simca. Fitted with a MAN D 0846 HM84U diesel engine. Printed in Charge Utile No 126.

Saviem S53M.'Mavie'
585SC69 Saviem S53M.Seen 22.7.95 at Chalon-s-Soane(71)Street Theatre Festival.
Fitted with a MAN D.0846/HM84U diesel engine. Used by the Zanka troupe of artists , and renamed 'mavie' by them !

DragonHoney's Living Vehicle
GL.DW.983 German living vehicle(Hanomag ?).Seen 22.7.95 at the Chalon-s-Saone(71) Street Theatre Festival.
Shame I haven't space to include a whole tour of this vehicle as it was decorated all over !. Used by a member of a fire show called Dragon-Honey.