Berliet Autocar & Autobus (PSV)

PCMRE as Restaurant at Larzac Festival 2003
7994VN31 (1968) Berliet PCMRE . Ex-RATP Routes 53 & 94 .
Seen 10.8.03 Larzac (12) Aveyron . France . Used by Restaurant 94 . Fitted with a mid-mount 6cyl MAN D.0836 HNM84

Berliet PR100 MI . Avignon $ Show 2017
2988HK13 (1978) Berliet PR100 MI . Ex-Marseille .
Seen 2017 Avignon (84) Vaucluse . France

PHL10 Grand Raid . Kilometre Delta ZI . Nimes 201
359JA30 (1964) Berliet PHL 10 . C49F. Ex-Ste. Gardoise De Transports . Vauvert-Nimes .
Seen 2014 Nimes (30) Gard . France . Auphin Deppaneuse depot . Fitted with a Berliet Magic MH620 6cyl. 180hp . Now with Association Autocars de France .

Besset Bodied PCK8W At Vanosc Bus Expo. 2013
387FF63 (1952) Berliet PCK8W . Besset B-F.
Seen 7.2013 Vanosc (07) Ardeche . France . Rescued by the Besset museum after standing in a Aulnat (63) garage for many years !!

PLB6 b . Avignon Expo. 2011
263HE32 (1956) Berliet PLB6 b. Dubos . Ex-Gasgogne & Languedoc .
Seen 25.3.11 Avignon (84) Vaucluse . France . Fitted with a Berliet 4cyl 100hp diesel engine .

Ex-Gendarme's Cruisair 2 . Carnet Levage . 2008
(1968) Berliet PR2 . Cruisair 2 . Ex-Gendarmerie National .
Seen 3.4.08 Chateaurenard (13) BDR. France . Fitted with a rear mounted Berliet V800 8cyl. 200hp diesel engine . In riot situations protective grills would be fitted over the windows .

PAK50 . 2008
(1970)s Berliet PAK 50 .
Seen 11.2.08 St.Jean de Centenier (07) Ardeche . France . 150 built , a basic workers bus based on the GAK50 . Fitted with a Perkins 6PF.228 6cyl diesel engine .

PLB8b Coach at Vanosc Expo. 2007
4879SS84 (1956) Berliet PLB 8b . Gangloff bdy. Ex-M. Morard . (26) Sederon
Seen 8.7.07 Vanosc (07) Ardeche . France .

Cruisair Camper in Gap . 2005
708ABP60 Berliet Cruisair
Seen 3.11.05 Gap (05) Hates Alpes . France . Fitted with a Berliet V8 . V800 170hp diesel engine .

PHN Randnee at Vanosc Expo. 2004
852GB07 Berliet PHN . Randonee (Grand Luxe) . Cars Ginhoux . Vals .
Seen 4.7.04 Vanosc (07) Ardeche . France .

Berliet PCMRE Ex RATP Decker in Toulouse 98
624WH31 (1968) Berliet PCMRE No.2201 .Ex-RATP .Lignes 53 & 94 .
Seen 11.12.98 Route de Albi . Toulouse (31) H. Garonne . France . 1 of 26 built , body style 424 . 2 Man operation until 1977 . Fitted with a MAN 6cyl. mid-mount D.0836 HM84 .

Ex-CRS Cruisair at Larzac Festival . 2003
6890MP70 (1971-8) Berliet PR2A V800 . Cruisair 2 . Bison . Heuliez bdy. Ex-CRS / Gendarmerie Mobile .
Seen 9.8.03 Larzac (12) Aveyron . France . Fitted with a Berliet V800 170hp diesel engine .

PH3.620 / PHN10 Randonnee in Fontvielle 2001
c(1969) Berliet PH 3.620 . PHN10 Randonnee . Mobile Shop ?
Seen 6.11.01 Fontvielle (13) BDR. France . Fitted with Berliet 6cyl. MH620 180hp horizontal Magic diesel engine .

PLB8b Bus in Coren Yard . 2000
c(1957) Berliet PLB 8b . 30 Seater Bus .
Seen 1.8.00 Jean Testu's Yard . Coren (15) Cantal . France . Tel. . Fitted with Berliet Magic 5cyl. MDX24 125hp diesel engine . Still in place in 2013 .

PR100 Ex-Blood Doner Bus as Living Rig 2000
2553GL13 Berliet PR100 . Ex-Blood Doner's Bus .'
Seen 12.7.00 Aulnat (63) Puy de Dome . France . Fitted with a Perkins V8.510 187hp . Owned by a French couple who'd just started to fit it out .

PCK8W Bus in Aulnat Yard . 2000
387FF63 (1950) Berliet PCK8W . Besset bdy.
Seen 11.7.00 G.L.M. Transport Depot . Aulnat (63) Puy de Dome . Reportedly bought by a Norwegian to make a camping car ? , but didn't move for years & saved by the Besset bus museum at Vanosc (07) in 2013 .

PLA 5C Bus in Marroule Yard . 2000
c(1957) Berliet PLA 5C . 28 Seater Bus .
Seen 20.3.00 Marroule (12) Aveyron . France . Fitted with Berliet 4cyl.MDY13 55hp diesel engine .

Berliet A1.11 at Berliet Foundation Open Day 2007
4888SQ01 (1911) Berliet A1.11 . Ex-Hotel Bus .
Seen 2.6.07 (01) France .

PLB6M Bus Derelict in L'Amone 1999
Berliet PLB6M . Currus Bdy.
Seen 22.7.99 L'Amone (36) Indre . France . Berliet 4cyl. 4.9l diesel engine .