Dave Introducing His NON-Commercial Photo Website
This is a record of vehicles seen around Southern Europe. It's NOT a commercial sales site .

The author at home on his sofa !
Are we sitting Comfortably ?? Good , then I'll begin .
This website is intended as a means of sharing with a wider public some of the vehicles and associated objects that've crossed the path of my Albion during our last 14+ years travelling around southern europe . It's not meant to be a technicaly detailed site , anoraks can get that sort of detail from books thank you .. I take photos of things that interest me , and don't stop to count how many wheelnuts its got etc ...though I've tried to add succint captions with a few known details . I haven't the crack code for the european registration systems I'm afraid so vehicle dates are often only listed for that model , if known . For more information on french vehicles there is a monthly magazine "Charge Utile" , which tries to cover most vehicle types , but its nothing like the material available in the uk . Any feedback/questions on uploaded images always welcome . As I live in a converted truck my internet connection is usually limited to visiting the nearest cyber outlet ..so new material will appear when time allows !

Dave's Opinion of French anti-traveller laws ..
No Stopping for : Travellers / Gypsys / Showman . May 1999 Brioude/France.
This isn't to say that france is any more or less racist than any other european country in respect towards its nomadic population . It's just that this country loves to disfigure the countryside with notices to remind everyone what the local by-laws are .

SG5 M73 Army Bus in Uzes . 2005
621.0156 c(1975) Saviem SG5 M73 . Carrier B28F. Ex-French Army .
Seen 23.3.05 Uzes (30) Gard . France